This morning was too close of an encounter with lightning.
My husband and I were driving to work when a bright flash came down directly in front of the car's hood. Incredibly close to the car - so close in fact that we thought the car got struck. It was all I could do to scream out of reflex. The lightning was so bright that I couldn't see where the end actually came down and hit. It was such a bright flash of lightning that afterward my husband said all he saw was a large orange globe shape and had trouble seeing momentarily. Meanwhile I was blinded briefly followed by seeing black lightning imprints throughout the sky every time I would blink for almost an hour. And my right arm tingled slightly while my fingers felt almost numb, I kept moving my fingers and squeezing my arm on and off to make sure everything was okay. It was very strange. After it hit and we drove through it and the thunder was so loud it might as well have been on the other side of the car door or even inside the car itself. I have never experienced anything like that. We didn't have any car trouble so in my head we didn't get struck - we got to work fine and there was no peeling paint or disturbed tire shape so I think we got very lucky. Although my husband still believes we may have. I guess we won't really know for sure! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Thank you so much for those who continue to download Unforeseen - we had climbed up into the 400's recently (which is still an honor considering we started from millions) and now again we dropped back down into the 200's - I thank you so much for that! It means a lot! And I hope you are enjoying it!! Good morning readers,
Had a friendly run in with a cicada yesterday afternoon. He or she was a biggin’! And I use that word strongly as it was bigger than my finger. It didn’t fly at me or try to land on me thank goodness it simply stayed sitting on the sidewalk path so I admired its size and walked past it. I made the mistake of watching one of my favorite movies The Italian Job – it’s because of this that I now am on a kick to buy a Mini Cooper S. Ever since watching the film back in 2003 I always wanted one. A red one with white stripes like Charlize Theron drove. It happens every time. My parents will now have to hear me ranting about wanting one for the next couple weeks. That’s the name of the beast! I wanted to tell you guys yesterday around one p.m. I got my twenty-four-hour migraine. We got home around five or six and by then after dinner my headache was way worse – it was through the top of my head like a tumor and just like that I knew it was my twenty-four because only it acts like that. In the meantime, my husband’s back had really been bothering him – a knot that always pulls out and acts up for him. My mother – kind hearted soul that she is – offered to let him use some of the massagers she has. This one sits around your neck with two massaging and heating “balls” that rotate continuously to grind into the area. After about an hour or so of my husband using it, I thought why don’t I try it on the seam of my skull – running the massaging balls down the middle of the skull where the pressure was worse and then allowing both of them to run on either side of it to smooth everything out evenly. I used it on and off for about an hour or so. And it left me enough relief to fall asleep for a few hours which is more than what I usually get. I then woke up at ten-thirty p.m. and it was pounding – moving out to the couch to get more air and get comfortable for the long night ahead of me – I took the massager out with me. Again, it gave me enough relief to fall asleep two more times – and one of those times led me to sleep a full four hours until eight a.m. Is this the solution? A hidden treasure beneath my nose that I never thought of before? For anyone suffering from these I would recommend it – just make sure that your massager though has the balls that are covered with the material of the massager – if you get one with the rubber balls that are uncovered, I fear they might get caught or tangled up in your hair. The massager is a Homedics kneading neck massager with heat. We got it at Walmart a year or two ago for probably thirty or forty dollars – so completely affordable. Before the storm hit my head, I was able to finally unpack some of my kitchen dishware and get it up in the cabinets even though the remodel is not yet complete. It was a great feeling seeing my new German dish set in the cabinet. It was super exciting. In other news Hurricane Ida is set to hit Louisiana this afternoon / into the evening. I hope and pray for all those who chose not to leave or didn’t get out in time that they will be okay! I feel terrible! The news says it’s a high category four almost a category five with 150 mph winds with 20 or 30 inches of rain. They say one this big hasn’t hit them since the 1950s! And this one comes on the 16th anniversary of Katrina’s devasting hit. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey Everyone,
Maybe to some what I am about to say might sound weak or stupid but I cried when I watched news tonight. It just seemed to me that around every corner this evening there was nothing but bad news and more bad news. There wasn’t a shred of something good. No glimpse of light. I cried for so many reasons. For the victims of the bombings and the shootings. For their families and their friends. For those who recently died from COVID as the numbers continue to climb. For those who have now been infected. For the fires ripping through California mercilessly. To those who lost their homes and their belongings. For the hurricane that will be raging through Cuba and New Orleans before we know it. I even cried remembering 9/11 - it was a rollercoaster of emotions tonight. During these dark days its hard not to have a heavy heart filled with nothing but sorrow for people I have never met before. And although I am not in their shoes so I cannot begin to possibly imagine how they must feel it doesn’t change the fact that I do feel for them. And I am thinking of them. To those who need it I can only offer my condolences, love, and prayers as we try to get through this together. I’m truly sorry. I wish I could say that tomorrow we will wake up and see that it was all just a bad dream. A terribly, bad dream. Our loved ones would still be here. Our possessions intact where we left them. And that the world was a better place, because we are finally getting along to some degree – hate doesn’t exist – and we are at peace at last. I wish I could say this to you. That you may never have to fear again. That you are safe. That starting today we are going to get along and live together as one people – humans. That’s what we all are. We are all people. It shouldn’t matter what color, what gender, your weight, your height, your appearance. None of that should matter as much as it does. As much as we have made it matter in today’s society. In the end we are all just people. Who cares if we look different or sound different? That’s what makes us our own person. That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes you – you. We are all originals because we aren’t all the same and there is nothing wrong with that. We should want to be different from each other to be free to be our own person. But at the same time, we shouldn’t be made to feel that because we are different from one another or in another “category” from another that there is something wrong with that. Or something wrong with us. This is why bullying happens. This is why suicides happen. That’s how it starts. Have you ever met a monster? Because you may have just taken part in creating one that didn't need to be in the first place. Why? Why do we feel good about putting someone else down? Because you can? Because they aren’t like you? Because you believe you are better?* But if they would be like you – you’d be infuriated. Then it would just evolve into a competition of how you could be better than them or beat them? We would never be happy. We are never happy. When its too hot outside we wish for the cold. When its too cold we wish for the warmth. When its winter we want summer. When its summer we want fall. When its spring we want summer. *What if someone you cared about were treated that way? Backed into a corner like an abused animal and slaughtered themselves? You would be affected by that – one way or another – in one shape or form? It’s not okay when it happens to you but its okay to do it to others? Some of these things in life I will never understand. Life is hard enough as it is and you only get one chance to make it your own – without someone deliberately trying to make it difficult for you. Tomorrow is not promised. There is no guarantee that you will wake up tomorrow as I have said before as scary as it sounds. Be kind, please. You don’t know what someone is fighting behind closed doors. Or when they enter their homes after school. You don’t know. You don’t know the other half of the life they are living. I’d like to think that most / some of us just want to get along with each other or at least be civil. Maybe I’m reaching for the stars. Maybe I’m ranting about something that doesn’t make sense and will never make sense because it will simply never be. The change needs to start with us. Needs to happen with us. But the problem is we will never do it. Or if we do – there will never be enough people on board to make the difference count or even see the difference. Hopefully our children and our children's children will see a better tomorrow. For now, I am filled with sadness for the things people feel they must do and the actions that occur because of it. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Good evening readers,
It's quickly becoming a fear of mine that one of the roofers at my work place will fall through the ceiling on me either while I am seated at my desk or on the toilet. All I do is hear the loud thudding sounds and see the tiles move with the sprinkler heads attached to them. I just pray one of those things don't go off. And I also pray no one falls through the ceiling of if they do don't let it be when I am enjoying my Hamburger Helper lunch. I've been daydreaming about eating this for the first fours hours I was at work. Whenever I am sitting at my desk the loud footsteps start - pounding their way across my head. But when I am locked in the bathroom - suddenly they are above me in the bathroom. Which is down the hall from my desk and a very tight space to be in, in the first place. Not a comfortable feeling. In other news! I had a bubble blowing SpongeBob moment while in the bathroom. I picked up a bottle of Dawn and bubbles began to burst from the top - filling the air with them! Instantly I was in the bar bathroom scene where he is continuously pushing the soap dispenser and the bubbles are forming out of the top. I laughed at myself and the silliness of it. And lastly - today I was walking to the printer in the office when something big caught my eye. It was a large, black flying insect. With either a long tail or long legs attached to its back/behind. It appeared to be some kind of wasp or something. Seeing that long thing hanging from it I instantly thought stinger! It was big - I was scared - but one of the guys whacked it. The car said 101 degrees when I got inside of it at the end of work today! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hola readers!
What if everyone had a 4:3 work week? You worked four days and were off three. I think we might be more productive that way. I think it forces us to be more like that. We are held accountable more with our feet the fire. But then we enjoy one heck of a long weekend! So I think the good would out-way the bad! How so you may ask? You would have one less day to complete your work. Or try to drag out whatever it is you're doing to make it last all week. Eight, ten, twelve hours less to complete whatever it is you need to get done in that week. Those that stretch their work out - wouldn't necessarily need to worry about doing that anymore. While those that work their butts off all week without getting a break or getting caught up would gain an extra day to reset (as I'm sure they need / could appreciate) And hey - if you wanted to work Friday - because you feel you need to or want to - than have it! It's all OT! Not only do I think it would be more productive (as I stated above) but I think your employees would have more motivation - more participation even because they aren't beat down from their work week or filled with dread because of how many days are left. Maybe their thoughts on their job didn't change - sure maybe they still don't like it - but just maybe they would hold a different attitude coming into work because they are struggling through fewer days at the office - both physically and mentally. It might even give them an extra pep in their step - an incentive without an incentive. I like to think most people wish they had at least one more day off when they return to work after their day / day(s) off. It's like your first day back from vacation and you're like ugghhhh I could've used one more day! What if this 4:3 was the norm? What if one day - like everything else changing and evolving - someone somewhere made the decision to change our work weeks? I don't know...this was just a random thought that came into my head today and figured I'd share it. In other news --> I saw the rankings have changed for Unforeseen on both Kobo and B&N! Jiminy Cricket!! I thank you for anyone who downloaded it for their e-books! It's greatly appreciated and I do hope you all enjoy it! This is something I always wanted to do - share my stories with you and I'm so glad and grateful that I am able to do so! If you would be so kind though and leave an honest review / rating on what your thoughts really were about it - that would be just gravy! And you can do that on the Kobo - B&N - Amazon - Goodreads site (whichever you prefer) I am still waiting on the Google store to get the ball rolling's been over the 12 days they said it would be and I still haven't received any confirmation on it - need to check into that. August's newsletter is hot off the press so if you're interested in receiving that don't forget to subscribe on the home page! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey Readers,
Yesterday I was on a drive down a dark, windy back woods road. Staring blankly at the rush of the passing trees out the passenger side window – when I noticed a black, bushy tail walking away from me. Something in my mind had an idea of what it was or maybe what I hoped it was and I began screaming wolf, wolf, wolf! My husband and I backed up the car to the area of woods where I first saw it. By now it was far away from the clearing where I had first seen it – clear back to the edge of where a line of trees met the hills. I could barely make it out – all I could see was its black body staring back at us from afar. And then nothing… Like that it was gone. I don’t know for sure if it was a wolf or a coyote but it was a large animal. Three times the size of a dog. As comical as it maybe sounds the only thing I could compare it to was near the size of when Jacob from Twilight turned into a wolf – it was just a massive animal. Just beautiful! Looking back now after it was gone – I would’ve liked to have been able to get at least a picture of the paw print maybe then I would have a better idea of which it was. Watched Maze Runner: The Death Cure à my heart breaks for Teresa </3 Such a good movie! Welcome to the safe haven! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Good afternoon readers,
The bathroom closest to my desk was occupied which left me to walk down the street, around the corner, up a flight of stairs and down a hallway to reach the women’s locker room. During the final stretch of hallway to the door I notice something BIG to the right of me on the wall. I take a look over and it is a spider – the body was smaller than my palm but with all of its legs stretched out it was just as big as my hand. Ok…no problem…you stay on your side of the hall and I’ll stay on mine. Now I have been seeing this same spider for about the past two to three weeks but it was always on the other side of the hall. Today it appeared to try to trick me with its ways. So, I stayed on my side – keeping in my lane – the whole way to the door. Doing the keypad thing I open the door to find what looked like a baby egg cocooning in the door frame. Ok well…its still sleeping so we are just going to sneak on past…nothing to see here folks, nothing to see! Alright, we have one spider, two spider…at this point I am flicking all of those lights on in the locker room while my head acted as a bobby-head sitting on the dash of a fast-moving muscle car (a classic one of course) Any who – I don’t see anything. GREAT! The coast is clear! I continue with my journey past the locker / work out area, past the showers – when I reach the sinks just before going to the stalls. Hanging from the sink bowl (on the outside) is a spider almost as big in size as the one outside on the hall wall. NOPE! NOPE! NO WAY NELLY! *Throwing my hands up in the air* I’M DONE! I should’ve known better honestly. The first one okay – the second one ok – but the second one should’ve been my warning to turn my rear around and head back in the other direction towards another restroom. I guess that was the missing piece though momma was outside, baby in the door, and papa was inside. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday! It is muggier than muggier where I am BUT I’m good with it 😊 Just remember to STAY HYDRATED! VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS HEAT! I actually suffered from heat exhaustion last week and literally almost passed out one of the days. Keep a water close to you at all times! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Because I sure can!!!
My newest novel soon to be released later on this year has just reached Chapter 20! I am so proud to say that! WOOOTTT!!! If you enjoy...let's say an original retelling filled with utter nonsense - then you'll enjoy this one! It'll be the book for YOU! This will not be a dramatic romance novel for those of you wondering. To be frank, I am not quite sure which category this will fit into just yet but another part of this dream of mine has always been to write in various genres. I don't know if I ever be pinned down to one - the thought of it makes me kind of sad to be honest! But this new novel (?) has a long road ahead of it still before you'll be seeing it. I am starting to play around with some cover ideas in my head of what I want it to look it... I am thinking about five more chapters should be enough to wrap everything up that I have plans for! Almost 52,000 words and counting! Happy Tuesday everyone!! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Good Morning Readers!
Have you ever waited all week for something and when it arrives it’s not what you expect to be? That happened to me yesterday and it’s all stemming from the fact that I took really good care of my phone. I got my iPhone back in 2015 and the troubles I am starting to have with it now is that it will not hold a charge, it freezes up occasionally when I am trying to make a call or type a text message and also, I cannot download the latest software updates because they don’t apply to my phone at the current time. All week I have been excited to get my Fitbit versa 2 watch – it has a lot of capabilities and it’s supposed to be awesome sauce! So mid afternoon I begin the start up process of the watch – I ran into two problems almost immediately – it won’t connect to my phone through Bluetooth – only through my computer – I cannot download the app on my phone because my phone has to have iOS 13.4 which I am still in the mid 12’s – and I cannot add or remove apps to/from the watch. After spending some time on it trying to figure it out on my own through research, I decided to call Verizon and see by some miracle if they can update my phone on their end – or even if my phone could get that update. As luck would have it my phone was not able to get the latest software that I needed to be able to download the app. Talking with Fitbit I learned that was the cause of me not being able to link my watch through Bluetooth to my phone because you had to be able to have the app on your phone. Further discussion led me to learn that apparently my computer is also outdated even though I only received it two Christmas’s ago and because of that it is not compatible with the Fitbit app online to be able to add and remove the apps on the watch. LOL! Needless to say, I’ll have to wait until my phone craps the bed to get one of these watches LOL!! The lesson here folks is making sure your phone will be compatible with whatever watch or another accessory you are trying to get to pair with it. Be sure to ask certain questions beforehand and do your research. Don’t pull “a me” and waste five hours of your day trying to make something work that was never meant to from the get go! Have a great Sunday everyone! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey readers,
As I sit here today and think about some of the things I would change from my past if I could I also remind myself that we can't go back. We can't change the past. We can only grow from it and learn from it. And just try to do better each and every day moving forward. We recognize the reasonable things we can change, the things we want to change and then with some focus...some by one you can accomplish those goals. Don't allow yourself to be stuck in yesterday because yesterday is over - be in this moment, right now, today. And give it the best chance you've got. Remember it's a new day - let's try to treat it like one. Stay safe out there && I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! |
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