Good Afternoon Readers,
I have been having nightmares lately, more often than normal for me. Usually, I only have them when my bladder has decided it has had enough. I think it likes being in control of when my hibernation time ends. I could be in the deepest sleep of my life having what I believe is the dream of a lifetime and then BAMMMMMM!!! Someone changes the channel and suddenly I am dramatically running from a killer, tripping and falling of course, only to decide to pick up a rotting twig as a weapon even though there was a knife or a gun available. The less practical the better 😊 Terror time then leads to me reaching my end or just before it and then POOOOFFFFF!!! I’m shooting up from my bed like a firework to remind myself – Hey you are still here it’s just time to use the toilet-tay. Picture Nightmare on Elm Street without Freddy Krueger. Last night’s dreadful experience was no different than any other one I’ve been having recently. It was the same characters leading to the same overall ending the only minor change was the actions and the scenery in between. A seven-letter word comes to mind to describe the wind last night and that is violent. The kind of gusts that sounds like the roof is coming off or the shingles are being peeled back like a banana, one by one. The house creaks and the windows moan, you catch the drift. I kept listening to it waiting for the train noise – which I wish never to hear – while mentally preparing myself to yell TORNADO!!! It took me hours to fall asleep and that is no exaggeration. Once I did, I fell into this nightmare of a neighbor’s tree, which actually exists, falling down from the strong wind we had gotten and comes crashing through the house. But not just anywhere folks of course it had to land in my bedroom. The heavy crash caused all the critters to scatter from the tree in a panic and cover me like the body eating beetles in The Mummy. At this point I’m up…in real life. Heart pounding, sweating, breathing like I’ve never known air but here’s the kicker…I run to the window, fling open the blinds and guess what I see? Nothing because I can’t see without my glasses on! Not only that but it’s a perfect shade of pitch dark outside and then I have the neighbors lovely spotlight shining brightly through my window just offsetting everything. So, I walked to the kitchen to cool down and get a bottle of water. Afterward I proceed to the kitchen window to again look out and see nothing. I was kind of half-asleep what can I say? Late sleep and early awakenings – for me – only lead to the inability to process my normal thoughts. The terror I had a few days before that one was a horrific mountain lion attack along with the presence of a pack of wolves. Honestly, I wish not to recall it. I would rather not relive it in detail. It was terrible, just terrible! I could still feel the hopelessness even after I woke. I wonder if my mind cooks these things up because I always wish to find a horror movie that scares me, something as gory and as scary as I can imagine. To me, there is a difference between being actually scary with gore and then being plain old fashion distasteful. To the point where it’s not even scary it’s just disgustingly disturbing. Let’s go back to the olden days where we frightened people not grossed them out. The Human Centipede 1, 2, 3 – you know who you are. But seriously that can't turn away from it's like a comedy that is supposed to be funny and ends up being so dumb but for some odd reason you still can't make yourself turn it off. MOVING ON I don’t know if I told you this before but Mondays should be optional. Period the end, all Mondays – they are kind of a sheeeeeeet-show. Allow me to elaborate. I am trying a new breakfast for work which now includes an egg. I hard boiled one last night and had it stored in a plastic container overnight. So, this morning I microwave it for fifteen seconds – check it – it’s still cold. Microwave it for another fifteen seconds – check it – a little warmer. It is at this time I decide I’m going to go ten seconds so that I don’t press my luck. Playing it on the safe side, adulting, you know. I reach in and touch it with my finger and find it to be lukewarm, which I deem PERFECT!!! Return to my desk – pull out my fork – one prong poke later and BOOOOOOOOMMMM – One exploding egg comin’ right up! It made a popping sound like I have never heard before. Now let me tell you I literally can’t make this up. Thank goodness for making the decision to wear my glasses today or else I would’ve been egg-eyed. It caked my glasses, threw chunks in my hair, and covered my desk – chair – shirt – and face. No, I wasn’t dealing with an Ostrich egg just a normal X-Large store-bought egg. Thankfully no one was watching but it would’ve been something out of a movie if that was the case. Fifteen minutes later consisted of scrubbing my face, neck, and shirt off. Then pulling the large chunks out of my hair and shaking out the rest. Thanks to my egg blow out I smelled like a walking fart if you can picture that…or smell that. Gagging – if I didn’t live far from work, I would’ve definitely asked to go home and change but that’s my luck! Never a dull moment over here, honestly. And the minute it happened I was like, “Well there’s another part of my blog.” Laugh with me because I was definitely laughing. Hope this story brings you some joy! Hey you live and you learn right? But seriously tell the kids – tell the adults – don’t do that… It was the equivalent of that commercial you see on TV with the kid doing the science experiment at home when the volcano erupts. Yeah…it was bad. Stay safe out there all and as always, I appreciate ya! 😊 Phew! Try saying that title fast twenty times!
Yesterday while cruising down the driveway the garage door suddenly opens all on its own. I know what you may be thinking… Did you bump the garage door opener? No, I didn’t bump the garage door opener! I know I didn’t because the car I was in DOESN’T HAVE one! To make matters creepier there was no one else home including no one in the garage. Some may think well…it’s because the garage door buttons are old or the wire is finicky. They were just rewired and moved probably five or six months ago? Never had a problem since. I don’t know to me it just seems odd. But not only that this isn’t the first time something unexplained has happened at the house. There’s been footsteps in the kitchen while the only two people in the house were together in the crawl space. Literally heard footsteps walking above. Then when I was painting the fireplace… HOLD PLEASE FOR THIS BRIEF INTERRUPTION – The top half of the stone fireplace near the roof was stained dark with spots making it always look it was wet. I ordered ChimneyRX Paint “N” Peel Fireplace Cleaner – Removes Smoke & Soot Stains and let me tell you that stuff works…I painted it on and you have to wait twenty-four to forty-eight hours and then you can peel it like a sticker. Now mine didn’t start off peeling nicely all at once there was a few pieces that would break off and then I’d have to pull and peel again but then it finally caught on and let me tell you I saw a difference right away! I only needed to do it one time. You will use the whole one-half gallon to get it done which is great because it was a little pricey for a smaller container but TOTALLY WORTH IT. The stone went from looking wet and damp to matching the same color as the lower half of the fireplace that had kept its normal color. WE WILL NOW BE RETURNING TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM – BEEEEEEEEEP! …out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a lady walking from the dining room into the kitchen in a long white dress and then disappearing and she kept reappearing walking and disappearing. She did it about three times before I finally stopped painting and looked over in the direction. I never saw her straight on and once I turned my attention back to painting, she never returned. At times it will get very cold in the house and suddenly you will see your breath. I don’t exactly know what to make of it all. I just know that sometimes some strange things happen. In other news, I never thought something as simple as aluminum foil could make me smile and bring me such joy. Let me explain why – about a month ago I unzipped my backpack to put my lunch in there for work when I found a heart shape cut out of aluminum foil, instantly I knew it was from my mom. Something so small brought me such happiness in that moment and it’s not actually small in size by any means. It could fit in the palm of your hand. I was thinking of taking it to work and putting it up somewhere I could see it all the time but then I thought what if I hid this for mom for her to find maybe it will make her smile like it did me. So that’s what I did. Everyday since we have been hiding and finding this aluminum foil heart for each other. One day it’s my turn to get it the next day it’s hers. We have hidden this thing practically all over the house but in places we know we will find during our normal routine. What makes it even funnier is we do this whistle to each other at the end of the day, it’s kind of like our secret language for a clue. It could mean we have found it and we have placed it elsewhere or it is somewhere nearby since you didn’t find it yet. It really is the small things. They can make you happy if you see the joy in them and allow yourself to appreciate them and just roll with it 😊 I would like to challenge you to try it out on someone they may laugh or think its dumb or maybe it will even turn into a little look forward to game like the one we play but remember it’ll catch their attention and that’s what counts. NEXT! How many of you have ever watched or heard of the movie Mean Girls? Yep, that’s what I thought…so any-who for those of you who don’t know or haven’t seen this part let me break it down for you. There is a girl named Regina George who is one of the main characters and she basically wants to lose more weight, watch what she’s eating, etc. etc. the other main character Cady Heron (I had to look these names up by the way…you’re welcome LOL) convinces her to eat these bars that the wrapper is in Swedish and that she’ll kind of blow up at first and then get rid of water weight which will lead to her dropping weight like that! So, she eats them for I can’t remember how long and she starts to gain weight. One day she’s with her boyfriend and she pulls out one of these bars and starts chowing down on it. Her boyfriend is completely disgusted and asks her why she is eating those. He ends up telling her that his coach makes them eat those when he wants them to gain weight. Naturally upon finding out she immediately spits it out, with chocolate lodged in teeth, and starts screaming as loud as she can. This basically happened to me except without the screaming and minus the chocolate stuck in between my teeth. I was wondering why I was gaining weight over the past month or so and not losing any when all I eat is three bars or as I like to call them not so keto bars. Under further investigation yes, they had zero sugars and many grams of protein BUT they had oodles of grams of carbohydrates and fats. How it was told to me was I was eating all carbs, bad fats and too much of both. The lesson here folks is read the labels. Look closer at the nutrition facts and the ingredients if you don’t want something specific in there and yeah…look, read, and look again. It doesn’t hurt to double check and do some more research before buying something. My biggest mistake was I got so excited about finding a bar that was zero sugar, under two hundred calories, gluten free, and Non-GMO but I didn’t read the rest of it. I just assumed hey if it’s this good it’s good! Huh-uh! ☹ Do your homework kids don’t be like me ☹ But then again didn’t someone say something along the lines of every mistake made is a lesson learned or something like that. Smart, true, and relatable every day. THE END sort of… So, my husband and my dad came across this show that was on TV I believe, it’s a cooking show and they are telling me how great it is. It has awesome cooking and the guy is hilarious so I’m like HEY I’m all for it! WARNING! Be aware: if you get easily offended, don’t appreciate sexual comments, and are not down with swear words this show is not for you. However, if none of the above bothers you I would recommend watching one show of It’s Suppertime starring Matty Matheson. Absolutely hilarious! I was hooked after one show, so funny! I hope you and your families are all doing well. Stay safe out there! As always, I appreciate ya! 😊 This came to my mind today
Once the first line happened - I went with it - allowing it to play out before me Inevitably my brain took off and I found myself having to write it down to give it life I don't know who she is or who he is for that matter maybe one day I'll write a story about them Then we will all go on this journey together But for now this is Bedtime Wants, hope you enjoy! Bedtime Wants I want you to know that I am here for you and only you for as long as we both shall live I want you to know that I will never love another the way I love you, there will never be another I want you to feel my smile through my eyes and know that it is sincere and honest I want you to be open and trust me, more than you ever have before I want you to know I won’t judge or harm you I want to stare into your eyes until I can see no longer I want to breathe you in like the air around me I want to feel you like a warm sweater I want to wrap around you like a koala would a eucalyptus tree when you’re sad I want to hear you whistle in amazement like the sound of a harmonica I want to hold you at night when you feel lost I want to lay down with you just to feel the heat from your body I want to stroke your hair lightly to brush your worries away I want to run my hand through your chest hair, letting it get lost in there I want to watch your fingers play the instrument I want you to strum me like you would a guitar I want to trace you like a finger would on a map of mountains I want you to tell stories from your past until sleep takes us both over I want to dream of you at night even though you’re within arm’s reach I want you to close your eyes peacefully, knowing that I will forever be by your side This is my love and lust Bonjour Readers!
There are only three movies that terrified me growing up and they reside with me even today. Holding strong at the top of the list is Child’s Play, including but not limited to all the Chucky movies after that, except for the one where Chucky and Tiffany have a child because that one to me was more of a comedy. I believe it was called Seed of Chucky. This has forever shaped the way I view dolls, especially the creepy looking ones but at the same time formed a curiosity of having to watch any film that holds a disturbing doll. There is just something about being scared, the adrenaline rush you feel. Like the anticipation right before the big drop on a rollercoaster or as you’re walking into a haunted attraction on Halloween. Part of you doesn’t want to do it but part of you does. A close number two would be the original It. This movie has been known to create a phobia of clowns if one does not yet exist within you. I used to stare at the drain in both my bathtub and sink hoping that something wouldn’t surface from down inside. Unfortunately, that’s just one of the things this movie will have you watching out for. Occupying the third and final spot is Ghost Ship. No longer considered scary to me but back in the day it was horrifying! I think I only watched it two times in my life, once when I was younger and once more when I was older. The opening scene with the wire…yeah, I’m not going to say anymore for those of you who didn’t watch it. That gave me chills and is the ultimate reason why I never watched it again. At a young age seeing that for some reason built up a sort of fear. As of current, I can’t describe to you what I felt back then since I don’t exactly recall all the specifics but it was bad enough that I didn’t watch it until many, many years later and I mean many. Must’ve made one heck of an impact? Now let us talk about a childhood remake for a moment… I am very impressed with how well It was recreated. I’ve been watching horror movies since I was a child so many in fact that if I had to list them all I wouldn’t be able to come close. For me, It was one of those movies that made me want to dunk my head in a hole, ostrich style. Never to reemerge until the film’s credits came on. “Tell me when it’s over Mom!” From what he did during his reign of terror, down to how he looked, and everything in between…all of it filled me with fear. So, when I heard there was going to be a remake of the film the natural feeling of having to know crept up on me. Which led me to make the conscious decision to watch them both. I was overwhelmed with excitement. The adrenaline pumped hard inside me as the movie started. In the end of both I was one hundred percent satisfied. I feel they captured everything in the original and more with their own special twists and visions. Bravo to everyone who was a part of it! The way he looked in the newer adaptation, to how his voice sounded when he talked, even down to the music. In my eyes they did it right, all right! When a remake still scares the crap out of you just as much as an original and you find certain things from that one sticking with you too, that’s when you know they’ve done it right! Great Job Everyone! Check out Bill Skarsgård’s audition for the Pennywise role on YouTube: As always, stay safe out there and in case no ones told you lately I appreciate ya! Hi Readers!
Do you ever watch something, read something, see an idea and think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” At the time it usually seems so obvious. It just clicks with you and you have that light bulb moment or that duh moment where it all just makes perfect sense to you and you’re like, “Come on!” I am quite sure it has happened to you more than once or in my case…a lot. At times it can be so ridiculous that you end up silently laughing at yourself about it, after you’ve discovered it, because you can’t understand why your brain didn’t think of something like that. I remember going to the movie theater when I was younger and we saw Shrek for the first time. There is just something about it that is so catchy, it grabbed your attention right off the bat. The opening scene happens and Smash Mouth starts playing…somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed…yeah you know the song. I bet you’re even quietly singing it to yourself or belting it out loud right now. I know, I know, hey I get it, I was singing it while I was typing it out! Every time the original movie starts, I always sing along, I seriously can’t help it, I just cannot resist and it goes so well with that movie. Even when I hear it on the radio my mind goes to that opening scene instantly. It is no secret that anyone who listened to or still listens to Smash Mouth knows they made a lot of good hits and All Star was just one of them. So here I am sitting down watching Shrek getting swept away by All Star right from the get-go and I think to myself gosh what a creative story. When you’re younger you think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread because it’s new and exciting but when you’re older you start to see what a great idea that was. I mean for as long as I could remember stories of ogres were always terrifying ones. They were big, mean, hungry, hideous creatures. They captured you and ate you for crying out loud! And up until this point there hadn’t been a happy version of an ogre. But that’s not Shrek, he has a heart. He is beloved by both the characters in the story and the audience of watchers from afar. He walked right into our lives one day and showed us how to laugh, how to cry, he even showed us how to be brave. We cheered him on while he took us along on this crazy adventure and in the end, he showed us exactly why we should love him. Such a classic. Shrek will continue to live on and I am so happy the story was created. Random Alert! Let’s talk about the word baby for a second. Oh geez! Now you may be thinking, “Why is she bringing up babies?” Before you begin to speculate, no, it is not because I am having one or having what I’ve heard referenced as baby fever. I got some good news today baby wise and it just made me really happy. Very recently four family members have now had babies and another is pregnant, so yeah there’s a lot of baby activity going on over on this end. But I would just like to take a moment to say what a beautiful thing you know? What a bright light, what a happiness to be able to share in during this time. Something so positive and so good right now and I am thankful for that. It’s great to see a future, to see us looking forward and moving forward. What miracles, it’s just incredible that two people can make a baby together, another human being, another life. This will be just one of those things that continues to amaze me for years to come. Thanks for reading all, I wish you and your family well, stay safe out there! And if no ones told you lately…I appreciate ya! 😊 Hello Readers!
As daily turnpike travelers we come across many things. Racecar drivers, enjoying the scenery drivers, considerate drivers, trucks of all shapes and sizes, animals, and people flying you the bird… I think it’s safe to say every one of us have encountered all of those and more. Maybe some of us are even in those categories and that’s okay…sort of… Well not really the bird flyers because let’s face it that’s not really nice. But I’m sure their reply back to me would be something generic like, “The world isn’t nice” or “Not everyone is nice” the list of excuses could go on and on. Truth be told we could name thousands of things that bother us on the turnpike. One of those struck a nerve with me today or as I would normally say, it really chapped my ass – I love that saying – being as I was almost in another close call during my drive. Allow me to back up a bit… On Friday a nice woman had reached top speeds coming off the ramp of an exit while trying to merge into the slow lane of traffic. Mind you, the top speeds we are talking about are more like over what the actual speed limit is for the turnpike, but okay. So as a considerate driver before reaching a ramp you move over into the opposite lane so that on comers can board free of disaster striking. Well let me tell you, she boarded alright. She boarded and then merged into the fast line – still at top speed – all while we were in the fast line. If my window had been down and hers had been down, I could’ve reached into her car and touched the inner door handle. If I was a Fantastic Four character, I could’ve stretched my arm and adjusted the volume of her radio. Our mirrors were almost touching! So, leave it to us to keep moving over while laying on the horn to get her to realize, “HEY we’re here, present and accounted for!” The end result would’ve been us hitting the median barrier, no doubt ricocheting off that and clipping her, causing a major backup. I don’t know why but on the turnpike my mind can’t help but go to Final Destination 2 and see a premonition of how bad things could get because they can very easily and in a split second too. Anyone who has been in a car accident – serious or not – can relate and it’s something you never forget and if you’ve never been in one trust us you don’t want to be. The breath catches in your throat, you don’t have time to scream or to react, you don’t even have time to think. It’s horrific. Getting off track so about today, it gets annoying when I see vehicles riding tractor trailers in the fast lane. Yes, we know we don’t want them in there. Normally the only reason why they are is because most of the time they are trying to go around someone in the slow lane. But what annoys me is by rushing them over – instead of giving them the time to find the distance they are looking for to merge – is not a good thing by any means. Picture this scenario, a tractor trailer merges into the fast lane to go around another one that is traveling at a much slower speed. You fly up on them, rubbing bumpers along the way, to try to coax them into getting over. In turn they merge too quickly cutting off the tractor trailer they were trying to safely pass which causes them to collide, taking out those innocent drivers that are unknowingly traveling nearby. Now I am NOT BY ANY MEANS saying they are not good drivers; I am just sharing a scenario of what could happen accidentally in the blink of an eye. Please be courteous and careful and try to think about the others on the road around you who have family and friends of their own that they would like to see again. YUCK! Okay enough sad and depressing stuff lets land on a happier note! Happy International Women’s Day! #IWD #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge I must admit I am not as knowledgeable on this impactful day as I should be as a woman but hey at least I am being honest! Nevertheless, it doesn’t take away from how proud I was to learn that this was in fact a day celebrated every year on March 8th which I will now further my education on. Please visit to find out more! They have everything from the history behind this incredible day, to how to get involved, to this year’s theme! Finding this out made me wonder what else is today all about? Turns out there is even more excitement to celebrate! According to today is also National Oregon Day – yay Oregon definitely on my bucket list of places I want to visit – National Peanut Cluster Day and National Proofreading Day! If I had a good peanut cluster recipe to share with you all I definitely would but I do not like peanuts that much actually and out of nowhere peanut butter has been giving me heartburn lately. Thanks for listening to my rant, stay safe out there and as always, I appreciate ya! My Dearest Readers,
I have three items to tell you - First and foremost being that March's newsletter is now hot off the press so if you are interested in getting that issue and reading it please sign up before the end of the month. I also want to take this time to remind you that Friday March 5th is Employee Appreciation Day. I urge you to please, please reach out to someone whether it's a co-worker, a friend, your spouse LOL! Knock their socks off and tell them something you appreciate that they do or thank them for doing something. You'd be surprised how good it makes a person feel when their work has been noticed and appreciated! Everyone deserves a kind word and you never know who may need it. Last but certainly not least, I want to tell you about my do it yourselfer :) For about a year and half now I have been asking on and off for blinds for my window in front of my desk, with each time basically getting a run-around. I don't ask for much just blinds and I would desperately love a door but that is another story for another time. Any-who I get terrible migraines DAILY and anyone who gets them or have ever gotten them once you know what it's like. It's a feeling you never forget but you always wish you could. So with the sun shining brightly in my face I reached the point where I HAD IT! During some research I found window tint the peel and cling kind. I was skeptical at first but depending on the size, a roll ranged from $19 to $50 and I thought, "What the heck?" Three boxes of that, with the associated spray, and a squeegee later, VOILA! I just want to say I would recommend this! Here is what you'll need: - Box of window tint film (peel and cling) measure your window to know how many boxes to buy - Spray that they recommend when using the product (should be noted on the box) - Some sort of squeegee, credit card or scraper to remove the bubbles that will form - Retractable utility knife Note: Recommend doing this early in the morning or late at night before/after the sun heats up the window. Once the glass is heated up it's almost impossible to push the bubbles out and easier for tearing to happen. I always feel the glass first to see the temperature of it, if it's cool you are good to go, if it's warm forget about it. Here is what I did: 1. Cleaned the windows thoroughly with Windex (three times) 2. Unrolled the film up against the window (one part of the roll is a clingy side while the other has a layer of protective paper on it) 3. Using the clingy side, line it up to be up against the edge of the window and make sure you are in the corner correctly too, slowly smooth it across the window as you unroll the rest of it out along your window space - doing this helps the clingy part to stick/stay while you are rolling the rest out (trust me it's a big help) 4. Once you are satisfied that the corners and edges are lined up enough, use your knife to slice down the edge with the extra roll attached 5. Remove it from the window and remove the protective paper on the one side (beware it is pretty clingy and may put up a little fight when being pulled from the paper) if you are doing this solo, as I was, I would recommend once you get it so far separated from the paper, use your foot to step on the paper to help in the process of continuing to pull it off the rest of the way 6. Drench your window in the spray, seriously don't be shy about it, wet that thing down! Especially the top. You'll be glad you sprayed it a lot because if you need to move it up some you can just push it up while it's clinging to the window since it has that extra traction instead of having to peel the whole thing off and start over! 7. Again, if you are solo doing this, I would recommend holding the tint against your body and using your one knee or leg to push it off of you so that the bottom of the tint gets applied to the window first, but like I said if you have it sprayed down enough you should just be able to push it where you need it to go 8. If you happy with how its lined up then grab your squeegee or scrapper and start working those bubbles out. Either pushing them up and out or down and out. You will need to do this several times and this will probably take the longest if you want to be a perfectionist about it! 9. Dry your window tint and remaining window lightly with some paper towel 10. You're done! Great Job! :) |
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