I had to laugh while I was driving this afternoon
It seems only now does it rain while the sun is shining I guess even the weather has trouble deciding what it wants to do Just makes no sense to me but it always makes me laugh Glad to see the weather is just as confused as I am My favorite part when the season changes to fall is watching all the leaves change color Watching them bounce across the road or fly into your windshield - then you know it's really fall I love fall <3 Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey All!
Foreseen (the sequel to Unforeseen) is now available on both Amazon and the Google Play Store! You are able to get the e-book or paperback through Amazon && then through Google Play the e-book is available! The e-books on both platforms are available for free - so please take advantage of that and spread the word! I hope you guys have prepared yourselves for the ride ahead because it's gonna get bumpy! :) Thank you for patiently waiting through the summer for this to be wrapped up - it feels like a dream to be closing the cover of yet another book! I think I let out the biggest sigh of relief when I got to actually hold the finished copy in my hands. Looking to my bucket list I'm trying to figure out the road ahead... For as long as I could remember I always wanted to write a mafia style love story. I grew up watching the Godfather movies and fell in love with them. I guess you could say my own take on that topic came from the words within Unforeseen. My next love was of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Yet another dream of mine to grow up and write something that had to do with this world. I found that inspirational feeling while I began writing the pages of The Queen of Hearts. And although I literally have so many books started and a list of ideas for a bunch of others - the last item to be checked off my bucket list is something in the horror genre. I watched too many scary movies to count, honestly, I've watched more of those than anything else and I would love nothing more than to write a scary story. You would think that watching so many I could really write something that would scare my own socks off! And I think that's what I should think of when I am writing it because they don't make a lot of scary movies anymore that really scare you. Like want to cover your eyes scary or throw the cover up over your head scary. I have received many questions mostly about "The QOH" and if it will have a sequel - the answer is yes, it will have a sequel. "I will take you to the hare and the hatter but that's the end of it." Since the first was about her childhood growing up - I think it's only right that the last one be about her teen years and into adulthood - the years before Alice would arrive which in theory would meet Lewis's time as he would have written the original. Just not sure what the timeframe looks like yet on that one. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey Everyone,
IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The sequel to Unforeseen - which has been named "Foreseen" is in the process of being posted. Please allow a few days for Amazon to change the price of the Kindle to free. Also - the paperback could take up to 72 hours to post but it is my belief if it is not available sometime tomorrow for purchase then it will be by Friday. On my "Books" menu at the top of the page - if you click on the word "Books" you'll see what Foreseen's cover looks like and there is a link to view the book that will take you to the website. Once the paperback posts and the price for the Kindle adjusts itself then I will feature Foreseen on the front page of the website. Stay tuned for continued updates. In other news - what should we write about next?? Horror Story maybe? Orrrr sequel to the Queen of Hearts? Also - this is super random, but I passed a guy today who was cleaning the material of his motorcycle in his driveway, and he could've been Napoleon Dynamites twin - like no lie! The hair, the glasses, the stance. I almost wrecked the car. LOL! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! It has been my experience that nothing soothes me better then coming home to get cleaned up for the night and blasting the stereo as loud as I can.
The music just helps to drown out all the unnecessary noise that's been created from a long day. Your psychological noise which is when your thoughts consume your attention when you are trying to listen to someone/something speak or even when you're trying to read. When you're so consumed with your thoughts that you reach a point where you're not listening to anything else happening around you. Your own intrapersonal communication. The music distracts me and helps me to clear my mind so that when I turn the radio off, I can start fresh - like hitting the reset button on my brain basically. I had to laugh that the first voice I heard coming through the speakers was Brian Johnson's when the shuffle started. And then shortly after I watched my mother head bang and play air guitar in the hallway as it rang through the radio. LMAOOOO!! Try some music therapy sometime :) let me know how it works out for you! Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Hey readers!
The sequel has now finished being formatted and edited - there are a couple other things I need to take care of before its ready to go on sale - but we do look to be on track still for the end of this month - which is great news! Who is excited?? Are you ready to know what happens next???!! In other news I passed a car the other day on the turnpike that literally looked like a remote control car. It was a little car with a huge antenna on the top of it. I don't know how it fit under certain things with how long that thing was! I swear it weighted more than the car itself LOL! The other day I decided to make some crab cakes for mom and dad and when I went shopping I put the change in first like always and then the cash and you know how when you hear the coin you put in not take you can actually hear the machine sending it back out to you. So I hear this happening and I'm thinking oh my gosh what is coming back at me. At a quick glance I could see it was a quarter and being confused as to why it was coming back to me I scooped it up to see what was up. Here it was a quarter I had saved a long time ago that was an English quarter. When I pulled it out Queen Elizabeth II's face was on it - smiling up at me. Merely hours after I had heard she had passed away. At the time I had been stressed out and tired and looking down at the coin and remembering that she had just passed away I stopped and took a deep breath. Allowing myself to smile a little bit that this is what made me slow down enough to come to a stop and just try and relax. Thank you Queen - you will be missed <3 RIP Queen Elizabeth II One of my favorite things about cooking is when I can just relax and take my time doing it while listening to my favorite CD. Dean Martin is my cooking companion LOL! There's a kind of peace that falls over me when I listen to his music while I'm cooking. It just puts me in the mood and transports me to Italy. It's a strange sensation that flows through my vein when I get into the mustang. From starting the car, listening to the exhaust, to shifting him into gear. And just like that the shifting twitch that I crave so much is gone. Before long its just me and him going for a ride on the open road. Windows down, music up. If you don't have the music up so loud that I can feel it thumping in my back against the seat then we can't be together - period. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! So dad taught me how to change my rotors and brake pads - that was cool!
Another function I didn't know how to do that I should for the future that way I don't have to take my car in for every little thing. I'm sure T was happy because she needed them - they were really low. Too bad I won't always have the T - I guess it'll just be something to get used to with another car one day. I can't imagine not driving it when the time comes. We've been together for 12 years through all the shitty weather and the pleasant. It's sad to think that there will be a time that I'll have to get something else. I feel so safe in that car especially in the worst of the snow and ice storms. If I could tell you one thing it would be spend time with your parents. Learn the lessons they have to teach you and enjoy the time you have with them. Live in those moments with them - don't be half listening or half pay attention. Because one day they won't always be there. Respect that time you have with them. Love you Daddy <3 Stay safe out there, && as always I appreciate ya! |
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