When your iPod shuffles you only to pull you back for a brief minute and suddenly you're relating.
I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love - I did, I did. My illusion, my mistake - I was careless, I forgot - I did. And now when all is done, there is nothing to say. You've gone and so effortlessly. Broken trust and broken hearts - I know, I know. Thinking all you need is there. Building faith on love and words. Empty promises will wear - I know. It was what I hoped would be impossible. In other news How about some new quotes? "How different would we treat people if they were stamped with an expiration date? Who would we savor every minute of, and who would we let go to waste?" - Jennae Cecelia "At the end of the day all you are left with is you. Do you love that person? Do you tell them you do? What a hard life it will be if you are enemies with someone you cannot leave." - Jennae Cecelia I read this from another author about something her therapist told her, "Someone who's emotionally unavailable can make someone who's emotionally available feel their basic needs are too much." She said these are words that she would never forget. "Those who don't know the true value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal." - Anonymous "Whenever you catch yourself missing someone in your life, you should remind yourself that them not being in your life is a consistent choice they make every. single. day. They wake up and choose silence and are indifferent to how far ya'll apart. That, in itself, is the most powerful form of closure." - Anonymous "Mother, I have pasts inside me I did not bury properly. Some nights, your daughter tears herself apart yet heals in the morning." - ljeoma Umebinyuo "What a funny little thing, this heart. On some days, I feared that it would stop. On other days, I was terrified that it wouldn't." - Propti "I was like the patient who cannot explain to the doctor where it hurts, only that it does." - Khaled Hosseini "You prioritized them even when they treated you like an option. You kept making excuses for their behavior and lack of affection. You started feeling exhausted and lost in the relationship. You still gave them another chance and you tried to make it work. But the unwillingness during the chances became a cycle of empty promises." - Anonymous Bob Marley once said, "If she's amazing it won't be easy, but if it is easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it then you won't give up. And if you do give up, then you're not worthy. Truth is everybody's gonna hurt you one way or another - you just have to find the ones worth fighting for. Remember that." "I lost my emotional attachment to him, without it he's so ordinary. It was my love, my energy and effort, that made him seem so special. It was always a toxic cycle, but each time I became less and less infatuated with the version of him I had created. It was nothing more than a vision." - Anonymous "You know I don't necessarily regret you but damn sometimes I wish I had walked away from the start and just left things at hello." - Anonymous "The best gift you gave me was a new perspective. Because before you, my biggest fear was being alone...after you, my biggest fear is settling." - Anonymous "Trust me; she's not mad you didn't want her. She's just mad cuz you acted like you did one day, and the next day you acted like she was nothing." - Anonymous Psychology fact - when a woman is used to getting hurt she won't know how to act when a man starts to appreciate her. "There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book." - Josh J "Some people don't really love you - they just love you because you love them, now read that again." - Anonymous Dangggg - some of these writers know how to impact with their words - this must be the stage the separated talk about when you go from shock to sadness to anger - but I don't feel anger. The shock passed me, the sadness rolled over, and the anger? The anger is instead indifferent - disappointed would be a better word. I am disappointed. Disappointed in myself really, that I allowed myself to open enough to be let down. For anyone out there that doesn't have a mother, I share this with you: "To my beautiful daughter - if I could only give you one thing in this life, I would give you the ability to see yourself how I see you every single day. Your beauty, your kindness, how happy you make me & how proud I am of you. Perhaps then you would be able to understand just how special you are to me." "To my daughter - never forget how much I love you as you grow older. You will face many challenges in life, just do your best. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Every day may not be good but find something good in every day. Laugh, love, live - follow your dreams, believe in yourself. And remember to be awesome. I'll always be with you. Love Mom." Stay warm out there today - it's a chilly one - the kind where you feel your nose hairs freeze! LOL! Stay safe && always, I appreciate ya! Comments are closed.
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