Good Afternoon Readers,
Hey sorry I’ve been absent this week I have had a really bad migraine every day this week and wasn’t able to really accomplish anything I wanted to this week! However, I hope this story makes up for it! And I hope you find as much enjoyment in it as I did! So, during my husband and I’s weekly Walmart trip I decided I was going to get a pack of Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies because you know it’s been a while and I am in the mood for that this weekend. It’s at the same time I ask my husband if he wants me to grab a box of pie crusts to make blueberry pie as well. To this he replies no and tells me just to get the cookies. Okay no problem you don’t have to tell me twice! Fast forward to halfway down the aisles we come up with the idea to make buffalo chicken dip because again it’s been a while – so I tell him okay I’ll run back and get the Philadelphia cream cheese. So, I go and get one and bring it back and he wanted the original not the low fat – okay no problem – I go back and get the original and come back – but we don’t need the double pack we just need the single one. And this makes me curious because we are doubling the recipe BUT he makes it more than I do so I just go with it – it’s at this point that I ask him if he wants me to pick up one of those pie crusts now since I am going back for a third time and they are literally right there. I tell him since I know he wants to eat pie why don’t we just get them it’s not a big deal to get cookies and pie in the same weekend…so he breaks and tells me to grab it. Fast forward to Friday night I am basically deathly sick because of my 24-hour migraine I starting and I am already worn out so I decide to go to bed pretty early because knowing this migraine it usually wakes me up at midnight and by that time its terribly painful and I then get no sleep for the next almost 24 hours until it has run its full course. Well, I wake up at 9:30 and my ice pack is hot so I drag myself out of bed to get a cold one – during that time I thought I heard the ovens timer going off and the oven door open and close but I thought nahhhhhh it had to be a dream I was having earlier. Hmm…I was wrong there because my parents decided to bake the cookies – which is fine because I got a 24 pack of mini ones thinking the four of us could each have six because you can’t just have one cookie, you can’t even just have two cookies, it has to AT LEAST be three or more…and it’s usually the more case for me. LOL! Any-who Saturday happens and a good meal was cooked so with that is of course a good dessert so my parents decide to make the blueberry cake – now mind you I still have my 24 hour BUT that didn’t stop me from eating one of my cookies at 9:30 on Friday and it didn’t stop me from eating 2 during Saturday so that leaves me with three for Sunday…until I ate another one on Saturday SO THAT leaves me with two rolling into Sunday which is fine because I was trying to eat 2 Friday, 2 Saturday, and 2 Sunday to make it last through the weekend. Now this WHOLE TIME both of my husbands and I’s cookies have been in a container on the counter with our names on them…and every day I patiently mentioned to my husband about his cookies and eating them / trying them / getting rid of them / donating them…etc. Sunday morning rolls around I’m feeling great! My 24 is gone, I slept for like ten hours, and it’s going to be a great day. So, I have a waffle early on in the morning and I decide I probably shouldn’t because I just got over my headache and I need to avoid any pills for them right now but hey you know what because I can’t resist them staring at me anymore, I’m just going to get rid of them. So, I ate my last two. During that time, I’m staring down at my husband’s container – still untouched – because remember he didn’t want them – he wanted pie…so at first it started as a joke of me removing my sticky noted name and placing it perfectly over his sticky noted name so that he doesn’t think twice about it. Which then turned into the bad part of my brain telling me well he didn’t even want them in the first place so…and you kept reminding him every day for the past few days and he didn’t want them – totally uninterested in them…so it might be okay if we just… SNAP. OUT. OF. IT. You are NOT eating your husbands’ cookies. I nonchalantly took three of his six cookies out of his container. Putting one in my mouth and two in my container…and returning my label to my container. Meanwhile my parents outside the kitchen – bless their poor souls – have no idea what I am doing and what I have now just done… Fast forward to later on in the day we get home and I’m washing my hands in the sink when I hear my mom say, “Oh I see Adam ate some of his cookies, wonder if he liked them.” And me purposefully not turning around because my face is always a dead giveaway to them so instead, I say, “Oh I didn’t notice…” From which she says, “You didn’t eat any of his cookies did you?” NO! (Said in my head like Rob Schneider in the movie The Animal) I told her no and back in her day she would’ve caught onto my @$$ that I was full of poo-poo but she didn’t this time instead she went right into telling me something else. PHEW! For the love of cookies! The things a cookie monster will do for them! Geez! Anyway – we eat dinner and then I hear the words from my mother, “How’d you like the cookies, Adam? Were they good?” At this point mom is washing the dishes and I just entered the kitchen and am now standing directly behind her to hand her some more things – when my husband says, “Oh I didn’t try any of the cookies yet.” All I hear is my mom say “What?” in like a joking way and then she turned around so fast I never knew she could twirl that fast. I didn’t even have a chance to try to dodge out of her view! She’s hysterically laughing asking me if I ate his cookies. To which I began laughing hysterically too. My dad then proceeds to say to the group that’s why he never got the bottle of water he asked for a while ago because I was out there eating cookies. He says it’s a good thing he wasn’t in the desert hahaha! I tell my husband to please come out and try one of these cookies so that I don’t feel guilty when I split the other two. He then comes into the kitchen fists the container and like a claw machine grabs all three of them and throws them in his ice cream bowl. Then he continues to taunt me with them by dangling them in my face and pouring melted ice cream on them. Only then when he knew I was upset about it did he cuddle up to me. LOL! But he could’ve easily eaten the blueberry pie and the rest of his ice-cream so why have the cookies too? Save some for the people in the back! Hahahah!!! So, this leads to him being sick after that and the next day for eating all the different kinds of sweets. I am all for sharing with my husband don’t get me wrong but if there was one piece of meat left for a sandwich, he would make a sandwich for himself and then I would still have to scavenge for my dinner. It’s all about surviving! It is a game of survival hahahah!! Stay safe out there everyone && as always, I appreciate ya! Comments are closed.
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