Music does one of two things to me: it takes me to a place I’ve been before and know all too well what happens next or it takes me to a place I’ve never been and may never be and allows me to live out what I visualize will happen next.
Music is my inspiration. When my brain and music come together they form something unpredictable. The songs are the talent that fuels my characters. The lyrics are the skill that feeds my pages. The beats are the path in which they walk. Bringing together the story they have to tell. Now that I have finished with my musical thoughts - now on to a more...touching subject shall I say... Let me tell you something: When you judge someone it does nothing beneficial for you or for the other party. In my eyes this is a type of bullying, it’s the first step that turns into bullying - a form that is presenting itself and manifesting - sure it starts out something like this, something small and you don’t see any crime in it but then it continues to evolve - you keep it going - it keeps growing like the snowball effect or a domino effect - until eventually you reach a point where you can’t stop - like a sickness - it just keeps getting worse and worse and before long you’re doing it everywhere with everything and everybody. You might not see it this way - let me help you look at from a different angle - gain a different perspective - it could first start out as silently judging a person to oneself, then you join others in your judgment by whispering to them behind another’s back, before long you feel you have so many people behind you - to back you - that you eventually begin to say it out loud, before reaching the final stage and that is saying it to the persons face. What give you the right? Freedom of speech? Is there Freedom to hurt people too? Is there a freedom to push someone to kill themselves? Oh that’s their choice - well of course that is. But you started them on that path. You caused it. You drove them to take that life. Because of something you felt you had to say. You had to get it off your chest because it was obviously bothering you that much. Oh they were weak, they couldn’t handle it? No. I’m afraid that’s not the right answer either. They wouldn’t have had to face this in the first place if it weren’t for you. The challenge of just wanting to live. When it is their time to face difficult things in life they will - it’ll be thrown at them full speed and then they will need to learn those hard lessons. But that’s not your choice. Why are you inserting yourself into a strangers life? Life is hard enough as it is without adding more unnecessary ingredients into the mix. Oh your preparing them for the real world? Wrong again! Your kinda bad at this. In the real world when you grow up and reach adulthood - when your an adult you don’t see this as often as you do in schools, at a young age - this judgment, this bullying. Adults are mature enough to handle these situations more correctly - politically and emotionally. How many adults do you hear of that killed themselves over bullying vs how many children, teens, and young adults? Now I don’t know if you have noticed but judging someone doesn’t benefit you - believe it or not. It doesn’t make you a better person, it doesn’t better you in anyway - and no I’m sorry even if this is some sort of twisted thing that makes you feel good inside, all gooey like an uncooked cookie - that’s not a benefit to you. You gain nothing from that but a few seconds of an emotion that will be gone before you form your next thought. How about you make yourself better? How about you focus on you and work on you instead of focusing on other people. Imagine what you could accomplish? What you will accomplish? Try setting a goal for something you want to do in life and reach it and then set another and another and so on and so forth. It doesn’t have to be something big or at least not right away. It doesn’t have to be something that will make the world a better place, but hey if it does that is great! Let’s start out small - something for you - something you have always wanted to learn. You want to learn how to skateboard? Let’s go and get a helmet, some pads and let’s try it. We will treat it like when we were learning to ride a bike. One baby step at a time just like before we took the training wheels off. Then we can show mom and dad how much better our balance is getting, our concentration is getting. You want to learn how to French braid your hair for school? Okay let’s watch it on YouTube then we can teach your sister how to do it. Then when that braid looks professional enough that it gains a compliment from your future boss it would’ve been worth it. You want to be an optometrist? Okay let’s head to the library or to Amazon and get some books to read up on it - so that then when you make it into that college that you worked so hard to get into you’ll already feel confident because you have a head start because you did the research, you did your homework. Your list of possibilities is endless - your voice and breath are valuable - they won’t be there forever and you never know when you won't be able to use them anymore - so let’s do something better with them - something positive for you - something beneficial for you and something that will hold value and meaning in your life. Something you’ll use whether it be for the next sixty years or not again until we reach fifteen years. One day when that kid of yours wants to learn how to skateboard you can do it right there with them. Whether it be teaching them how or relearning itself right along with them. Judging people, talking about people, bullying etc. those are not skills - anyone can do it. You just have to make the choice not to do it. You have to rise above that and be better than it. No one is going to ask you about that during a relationship or during a job interview. That’s not something interesting to put on a resume. That’s not the kind of hobby they want to know about. In the real world that is not a quality that people search for. It’s not morally correct. What are morals? Look it up. Right and wrong you’ll figure it out. We can’t make ourselves better and make this world a better place unless we start somewhere, today, now, yesterday. It starts with you. With one person. Spreading the word and changing minds - helping people to see a different side - a different angle - getting their POV’s and then after all that letting them make the final decision. Because it is your decision. It's your choice in the end after all. We are just here to give you the facts and see if in the end you feel the same. Did that just sound like a commercial for a medication? One final thought before you go - what ever happened to that person you judged? To that person you bullied? For a second put your selves in their shoes and remind yourself of what you did to them, what you said to them, how does that make you feel? How would you have felt if the situation was reversed and it was you on the receiving end? Just some ranting with a side of food for thought LOL! But mine is just another opinion like everyone we all have them. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Comments are closed.
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