Hey readers,
Stayed up last night to watch Child's Play. Which is one of two movies that scared the crap out of me as a kid. SYFY was having a Chucky Marathon apparently all day and by the time I got home and realized that they were on the Cult of Chucky. My husband pointed out the fact that the actress playing Nica (Fiona Dourif) is somehow related to Brad Dourif (who played / was the voice if Chucky) because he recognized the last name going from the ending credits in Cult of Chucky to the opening credits in the original Child's Play. Looking at her she really resembled him - like his daughter maybe even. Low and behold upon further investigation through Google...YEP! It's his daughter! What a change of events! Years later his daughter would play opposite him in a movie that scared the wits out of people! Now that is cool! But that's not why I think I had a sort of nightmare last night. I'm not really sure where it came from. My family was at our house although it felt like we were at our old place and there were aspects of where we were that are pieces of other places too if that makes sense. We were in the middle of an apocalypse. Neighbors who never spoke before had joined forces to help each other fight off these monsters that had come to Earth. They could move incredibly fast and were super strong. In some ways the look of them resembled Predator without the dreads or the face mask. Theses creatures were really skinny and tall and their faces were sunk in and looked like the skin could barely stretch to cover the bones in their face. My father had the one garage door open. People were rushing in and out of it - grabbing firearms and shooting any that came into the yard from the woods. Eventually we ran out of bullets for the guns they were using. Then we ran out of extra guns that were just loaded and ready to go. Before long all we had to fight them was screwdrivers and chisels. The normal things you would find in a garage. I started handing those objects out to anyone around since my gun had also run out of ammo. Walking outside the garage I saw that the pile of gun that were empty had disappeared. I guess some had decided to take them even though they were empty smart idea. As I looked around I didn't see my father anywhere and started to fear for the worst. I began frantically calling out his name. A man standing nearby told me that my father had taken off during one of the shootouts. He knew a place where he could get a couple things they needed. He didn't even say goodbye. What if that was the last time I ever saw him? But I know why he didn't say goodbye - because he knew if he would have I would've wanted to go with him to help out. He wanted me to stay home and protect my mother. A group of us huddled in the back of the open garage door trying to come up with a plan of attack and where we should station ourselves for the time being - especially with these weapons. We needed to surprise our attackers and make sure we were successful. Before long beams were shooting down from the clouds and the monsters were landing on the driveway - getting ready to charge at us in the garage. One of the men had made a bomb and catapulted it outside the garage door before they got too close in range. BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Clouds of dust and dirt filled the air until we saw nothing and then came gun fire shots. I watched helplessly as the people around me were mercilessly shot and killed. Blood spewed in the air like a broken fire hydrant and it was all I could to run for the door that would me to the inside of the house and try my best to prepare my mother and I for what would end up coming to meet us and be our doom. I did not bother to lock the door since it was a thin wooden door and they would just break it down anyway. Instead I bolted up the stairs to my mother and informed her on what was happening. "We have to find a place to hide!" I remember frantically telling her. And then I heard the worst thing ever. I heard the growling-clicking noise that the Predator makes and I knew there was one already inside the house. When I turned to look over my shoulder I could see the shadow of it on the floor and wall of the living coming from the direction of what would have been the front window (which they must have blown out) My mother and I ran into the closest door and shut it almost completely. We moved the one side of the futon couch out so that it was now diagonal in the room. The only things I had left in my bag of so-called weapons were children's colored pencils. All the tips were mostly dull but four of them. I gave me mother one and I took three - hoping I could get to it first and then we could figure out better weapons later - if we lived through this that is. We decided to use the element of surprise approach which I insisted not to - but it might be the only thing that would work - so my mother sat down on the couch and began to talk loudly while I crouched down behind the couch waiting for the monster to enter. Once it did I jumped out from my spot and spider monkey-ed on top of its body - repeatedly stabbing it in the head with the three colored pencils that I had banded together as one until it was dead. Mother and I immediately began looking for better weapons throughout the house. We got lucky this time. Next time we might not be so lucky. We looked for hidden guns - knives - ammo - anything sharp to use as a blade. I thought of breaking a mirror but mother said we would get seven years bad luck. And this point we already had bad luck so I didn't see the reason why not to. But before that happened we heard a noise coming from downstairs. A noise of light footsteps climbing the stairs. It was father. He was carrying a laundry basket? In the middle of an apocalypse? BUT in his defense it was filled with handguns, ammo, and enough holster space for each of us to carry to guns on us a piece. He told us how everyone that was outside and that had lived (which wasn't very many) he fully equipped them with the same before coming inside to find us. Then...I woke up...before seeing the ending. Did we make it out alive? Did we leave the sanctuary of our broken home? Did more monsters come? Did we hide? Did we stay? Did we got back outside? Did we stay inside? Did we run out of ammo? Did the war ever stop? So many questions linger in my mind as to what happened next. Questions I may never get answers to. It's up to us to come up with our own conclusion of what we think happened next and how it all ended. Hopefully it was a good ending. But with war there's death - and where death is involved it's never a happy ending. Stay safe out there && as always, I appreciate ya! Comments are closed.
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