Hi Readers!
Do you ever watch something, read something, see an idea and think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” At the time it usually seems so obvious. It just clicks with you and you have that light bulb moment or that duh moment where it all just makes perfect sense to you and you’re like, “Come on!” I am quite sure it has happened to you more than once or in my case…a lot. At times it can be so ridiculous that you end up silently laughing at yourself about it, after you’ve discovered it, because you can’t understand why your brain didn’t think of something like that. I remember going to the movie theater when I was younger and we saw Shrek for the first time. There is just something about it that is so catchy, it grabbed your attention right off the bat. The opening scene happens and Smash Mouth starts playing…somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed…yeah you know the song. I bet you’re even quietly singing it to yourself or belting it out loud right now. I know, I know, hey I get it, I was singing it while I was typing it out! Every time the original movie starts, I always sing along, I seriously can’t help it, I just cannot resist and it goes so well with that movie. Even when I hear it on the radio my mind goes to that opening scene instantly. It is no secret that anyone who listened to or still listens to Smash Mouth knows they made a lot of good hits and All Star was just one of them. So here I am sitting down watching Shrek getting swept away by All Star right from the get-go and I think to myself gosh what a creative story. When you’re younger you think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread because it’s new and exciting but when you’re older you start to see what a great idea that was. I mean for as long as I could remember stories of ogres were always terrifying ones. They were big, mean, hungry, hideous creatures. They captured you and ate you for crying out loud! And up until this point there hadn’t been a happy version of an ogre. But that’s not Shrek, he has a heart. He is beloved by both the characters in the story and the audience of watchers from afar. He walked right into our lives one day and showed us how to laugh, how to cry, he even showed us how to be brave. We cheered him on while he took us along on this crazy adventure and in the end, he showed us exactly why we should love him. Such a classic. Shrek will continue to live on and I am so happy the story was created. Random Alert! Let’s talk about the word baby for a second. Oh geez! Now you may be thinking, “Why is she bringing up babies?” Before you begin to speculate, no, it is not because I am having one or having what I’ve heard referenced as baby fever. I got some good news today baby wise and it just made me really happy. Very recently four family members have now had babies and another is pregnant, so yeah there’s a lot of baby activity going on over on this end. But I would just like to take a moment to say what a beautiful thing you know? What a bright light, what a happiness to be able to share in during this time. Something so positive and so good right now and I am thankful for that. It’s great to see a future, to see us looking forward and moving forward. What miracles, it’s just incredible that two people can make a baby together, another human being, another life. This will be just one of those things that continues to amaze me for years to come. Thanks for reading all, I wish you and your family well, stay safe out there! And if no ones told you lately…I appreciate ya! 😊 Comments are closed.
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