Hello Readers!
As daily turnpike travelers we come across many things. Racecar drivers, enjoying the scenery drivers, considerate drivers, trucks of all shapes and sizes, animals, and people flying you the bird… I think it’s safe to say every one of us have encountered all of those and more. Maybe some of us are even in those categories and that’s okay…sort of… Well not really the bird flyers because let’s face it that’s not really nice. But I’m sure their reply back to me would be something generic like, “The world isn’t nice” or “Not everyone is nice” the list of excuses could go on and on. Truth be told we could name thousands of things that bother us on the turnpike. One of those struck a nerve with me today or as I would normally say, it really chapped my ass – I love that saying – being as I was almost in another close call during my drive. Allow me to back up a bit… On Friday a nice woman had reached top speeds coming off the ramp of an exit while trying to merge into the slow lane of traffic. Mind you, the top speeds we are talking about are more like over what the actual speed limit is for the turnpike, but okay. So as a considerate driver before reaching a ramp you move over into the opposite lane so that on comers can board free of disaster striking. Well let me tell you, she boarded alright. She boarded and then merged into the fast line – still at top speed – all while we were in the fast line. If my window had been down and hers had been down, I could’ve reached into her car and touched the inner door handle. If I was a Fantastic Four character, I could’ve stretched my arm and adjusted the volume of her radio. Our mirrors were almost touching! So, leave it to us to keep moving over while laying on the horn to get her to realize, “HEY we’re here, present and accounted for!” The end result would’ve been us hitting the median barrier, no doubt ricocheting off that and clipping her, causing a major backup. I don’t know why but on the turnpike my mind can’t help but go to Final Destination 2 and see a premonition of how bad things could get because they can very easily and in a split second too. Anyone who has been in a car accident – serious or not – can relate and it’s something you never forget and if you’ve never been in one trust us you don’t want to be. The breath catches in your throat, you don’t have time to scream or to react, you don’t even have time to think. It’s horrific. Getting off track so about today, it gets annoying when I see vehicles riding tractor trailers in the fast lane. Yes, we know we don’t want them in there. Normally the only reason why they are is because most of the time they are trying to go around someone in the slow lane. But what annoys me is by rushing them over – instead of giving them the time to find the distance they are looking for to merge – is not a good thing by any means. Picture this scenario, a tractor trailer merges into the fast lane to go around another one that is traveling at a much slower speed. You fly up on them, rubbing bumpers along the way, to try to coax them into getting over. In turn they merge too quickly cutting off the tractor trailer they were trying to safely pass which causes them to collide, taking out those innocent drivers that are unknowingly traveling nearby. Now I am NOT BY ANY MEANS saying they are not good drivers; I am just sharing a scenario of what could happen accidentally in the blink of an eye. Please be courteous and careful and try to think about the others on the road around you who have family and friends of their own that they would like to see again. YUCK! Okay enough sad and depressing stuff lets land on a happier note! Happy International Women’s Day! #IWD #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge I must admit I am not as knowledgeable on this impactful day as I should be as a woman but hey at least I am being honest! Nevertheless, it doesn’t take away from how proud I was to learn that this was in fact a day celebrated every year on March 8th which I will now further my education on. Please visit www.internationalwomensday.com to find out more! They have everything from the history behind this incredible day, to how to get involved, to this year’s theme! Finding this out made me wonder what else is today all about? Turns out there is even more excitement to celebrate! According to www.nationaldaycalendar.com today is also National Oregon Day – yay Oregon definitely on my bucket list of places I want to visit – National Peanut Cluster Day and National Proofreading Day! If I had a good peanut cluster recipe to share with you all I definitely would but I do not like peanuts that much actually and out of nowhere peanut butter has been giving me heartburn lately. Thanks for listening to my rant, stay safe out there and as always, I appreciate ya! Comments are closed.
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